Discovering Nature's Playground: The Magic of Forest Bathing

woodland exploring for children

In a world buzzing with screens and schedules, I believe we should be giving more children the freedom of the great outdoors. Enter forest bathing, or shinrin yoku, a journey into nature that promises more than just fresh air—it's a playground for the imagination.


Picture a world where trees are your skyscrapers, and the melody of birds replaces the constant hum of traffic. Forest bathing invites children to step into this world, where every tree holds a secret and every rustle in the underbrush sparks curiosity.


The benefits are boundless. As children wander through the forest, they engage all their senses—touching moss, listening to the whisper of leaves, and inhaling the earthy scent of the forest floor. Studies show that this sensory immersion reduces stress, boosts immunity, and enhances creativity.


But the real magic of forest bathing lies in its ability to ignite wonder. Children become explorers, seeking hidden treasures and forging connections with the natural world. They learn patience as they observe the slow dance of seasons and resilience as they navigate uneven terrain.


Forest bathing isn't just a stroll in the woods; it's an adventure waiting to unfold. Encourage children to play games like "Nature Bingo" or "Forest Detective," turning every leaf and twig into a clue. Let their imagination run wild as they build fairy houses or hunt for the perfect skipping stone.


In the end, forest bathing isn't just about the trees — it's about nurturing a lifelong love of the natural world. So, grab your boots, leave the gadgets behind, and let the forest work its magic. After all, the best playgrounds don't come with slides — they come with branches to climb and secrets to discover.


Simon Govier

Montrose Trees' resident Chief of Naïve Idealism


Simon Govier Montrose Trees